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Amazon River Adventure: 5-Day/4-Night Cruise Exploration

Amazon River Adventure: 5-Day/4-Night Cruise Exploration

5 days

Embark on an unforgettable Amazon Boat trip with Joshua's Amazon Expeditions, as you cruise along the Rio Negro and its enchanting tributaries. Immerse yourself in the tranquil sounds of the jungle, trek through untouched rainforest, and engage in exhilarating activities like fishing, cayman spotting at night, and witnessing the awe-inspiring sunrises. Bird enthusiasts will revel in the diverse species, and the iconic Meeting of the Waters, where the Rio Negro and Solimoes converge, is a sight to behold. This journey also offers a heartfelt visit to local indigenous communities along the riverbanks, enriching your experience with cultural encounters.

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Embark on an unforgettable Amazon Boat journey with Joshua's Amazon Expeditions, navigating the mystical waters of the Rio Negro and its winding tributaries. Immerse yourself in the serenity of the jungle's chorus, exploring untouched swaths of rainforest through invigorating treks. This adventure offers you unique opportunities to engage with the wild, from fishing in the tranquil waters to trekking through the dense foliage, and experiencing the thrill of spotting caymans under the cover of night. Witness the breathtaking beauty of sunrise amidst the sounds of nature, engage in bird watching, and marvel at the awe-inspiring Meeting of the Waters, where the Rio Negro and Solimoes Rivers confluence in a natural spectacle. Furthermore, enrich your journey with a visit to the indigenous communities residing along the riverbanks, offering a rare glimpse into their lives intertwined with the river's ebb and flow.

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Joshua's Amazon Expeditions Itinerary

Embark on an Unforgettable Amazon Boat Trip

Join us as we set off on an extraordinary journey exploring the Rio Negro and its tributaries. Immerse yourself in the enchanting sounds of the jungle, trek through pristine rainforests, and engage in exciting activities like fishing, trekking, and nocturnal wildlife spotting. Witness the spectacular Meeting of the Waters, where the Rio Negro meets the Solimoes, and interact with indigenous communities living along the riverbanks.

Day 1: Adventure Begins

  • Early morning departure from your hotel at 05:00 am, traveling by car across Manaus to the Musa Reserve for an unforgettable sunrise from a canopy tower, surrounded by the vibrant birdlife of the Terra Firm uplands.
  • Enjoy a regional breakfast at Musa before boarding our air-conditioned cabin boat at the port of Manaus.
  • Visit the remarkable ecosystem of the Meeting of the Waters (Rio Negro & Solimoes) and the diverse V\u00e1rzea forests.
  • Lunch at noon, followed by sailing through the Rio Negro to the Aria\u00fa river, prime for nocturnal wildlife spotting. Dinner and overnight stay onboard.
  • Accommodations include private suites on our regional boat, equipped with air-conditioning, private bathrooms, and mosquito nets.

Day 2: Jungle Exploration

  • We set off at 05:30 am in a canoe for wildlife observation, exploring narrow creeks to see birds and mammals. Breakfast served at 08:00 am.
  • Morning swim with Pink Dolphins, followed by lunch. Afternoon canoe paddle in search of the Golden-backed Uacari.
  • Dinner and overnight stay onboard, with accommodations as described for Day 1.

Day 3: Anavilhanas National Park Adventures

  • Early departure at 05:40 am by motorized canoe to observe diverse bird species. Breakfast served post exploration.
  • After lunch, we navigate to the Apua\u00fa River region for an afternoon jungle walk in this remote Amazon zone. Dinner and overnight onboard.
  • Accommodations as per previous nights.

Day 4: Immersive Jungle Experience

  • Breakfast at 06:00 am. Morning walk in primary rainforest to learn about wildlife and medicinal plants with our biologist.
  • Lunch at 12:30h. Afternoon cruise through the Islands of Anavilhanas to the Cuieras river, concluding with a sunset view and dolphin spotting.
  • Overnight stay onboard in accommodations as previously described.

Day 5: Discovering the Rio Negro

  • Breakfast at 07:00 am. Visit to an indigenous family to learn about their lifestyle and local crafts. Taste local foods and start our journey down the river.
  • Lunch served at noon, followed by our return to Manaus. Drop off at your hotel or airport.
  • Accommodations onboard as detailed, concluding our memorable expedition.

Inclusions & Exclusions


  • Breakfast
  • Dinner
  • Lunch
  • Pick up and drop off to hotel in Town
  • Mineral water


  • Tips
  • Bar
  • Extra transportation
  • Hotel in Manaus

Important Notes

  • Amazon Boat trip exploring the Rio Negro and tributaries
  • Opportunity for fishing, trekking, cayman spotting at night, sunrise bird watching
  • Visit to the "Meeting of the Waters" of Rio Negro and Solimoes
  • Tour includes visiting an indigenous community along the river
  • Not wheelchair accessible
  • Not stroller accessible
  • Not suitable for pets
  • No public transportation nearby
  • Infant seats unavailable
  • Not recommended for people with back problems
  • Not recommended for pregnant travelers
  • Not recommended for people with heart conditions
  • Please inform the name and address of the hotel or hostel you book for pickup on the day of the tour

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